D5000 Series Adapter for Configuration – PPC5092
The PPC5092 is required to easily program D5000 models via PC, using the freely available software SWC5090. The unit is plugged into the PC via USB port and to the D5000 model via a USB cable.
SIL 2 Temperature Signal Converter to Trip Amplifiers – D5273S
The single channel Temperature Signal Converter, Trip amplifiers D5273S accepts a low level dc signal from millivolt, thermocouple or 2-3-4 wire RTD or transmitting potentiometer sensors, located in Hazardous Area.
Dual Channel SIL 2 Temperature Signal to 4-20mA Converter – D5072D
The dual channel Temperature Signal Converter D5072D accepts a low level dc signal from millivolt, thermocouple or 2-3-4 wire resistance/RTD or transmitting potentiometer sensor, located in Hazardous Area.
Single Channel SIL 2 Temperature Signal to 4-20mA Converter – D5072S
The single Temperature Signal Converter, D5072S, accepts a low level dc signal from millivolt, thermocouple or 2-3-4 wire resistance/RTD or transmitting potentiometer sensor, located in Hazardous Area.
Single Channel SIL 3 Digital Output Driver for Solenoid Valves – D5048S
The single channel Loop Powered Digital Output Isolator, D5048S, is suitable for driving solenoid valves, visual or audible alarms to alert a plant operator.
8 Channel SIL 2 Switch/Proximity Detector Repeater O.C. Output – D5231E
The Switch/Proximity Detector Repeater type D5231E is a unit with eight independent channels suitable for applications requiring SIL 2 level.
Single / Dual Input to Dual Output Channel SIL 3 Switch/Proximity Detector Repeater Relay – D5030D
The dual channel Switch/Proximity Detector Repeater, D5030D, module is a unit suitable for applications requiring SIL 3 level.
Single Channel SIL 3 Switch / Proximity Detector Repeater Relay Output – D5030S
The single channel Switch/Proximity Detector Repeater, D5030S module is a unit suitable for applications requiring SIL 3 level.
Dual Channel SIL 3 Powered Isolating Driver Hart for I/P’s and Positioners – D5020D
The dual channel Isolating Driver, D5020D is a high integrity analog output interface suitable for applications requiring SIL 3 level.
Single Channel SIL 3 Powered Isolating Driver Hart for I/P’s and Positioners – D5020S
The single channel Isolating Driver, D5020S is a high integrity analog output interface suitable for applications requiring SIL 3 level.
Single Input / Dual Output Loop Splitter SIL 3 Repeater Power Supply Hart for Field Instrumentation – D5014D
The dual channel Repeater Power Supply, D5014D modules are high integrity analog input interfaces suitable for applications requiring SIL 3 level.
Dual Channel SIL 3 Repeater Power Supply Hart for Field Instrumentation – D5011D
The dual channel Repeater Power Supply, D5011D, module is a high integrity analog input interface suitable for applications requiring SIL 3 level.Contact
- 01706 216667
- 01706 216681