Chart Recorders
ScreenMaster and Commander are the names behind a comprehensive range of recording instrumentation from ABB that meet the demanding requirements of a broad range of industries.
The range includes chart recorders and paperless recorders, all of which share the same high standards of reliability and flexibility and are capable of withstanding the harshest of process environments.

ABB SM500F Field Mountable Videographic Recorder
The ABB SM500F Field Mountable Videographic Recorder is a field-mountable videographic recorder.
ABB RVG200 Touch Screen Videographic Recorder
The ABB RVG200 ScreenMaster is a secure, easy-to-use Touch Screen Videographic Recorder.
ABB C1900 Circular Chart Recorder
The ABB C1900 Circular Chart Recorder is a fully programmable recorder for up to four process signals.
ABB C1900RC Circular Chart Recorder / Controller
The ABB C1900R Circular Chart Recorder / Controller is a fully programmable Circular Chart Recorder / Controller combining two PID control loops with 4-pen recording.
ABB C1960 Multi-Recipe Profile Recorder / Controller
The ABB C1960 Multi-Recipe Profile Recorder / Controller has advanced ramp/soak profiling designed specifically for the food processing, canning, tire and dyebeck industries.
ABB C1950 Pasteuriser Circular Chart Recorder
The ABB C1950 (STLR & HTST) Pasteurizer Circular Chart Recorder is a totally self-contained unit suitable for panel, wall or post mounting.
ABB C1901 Single Pen Circular Chart Recorder
The ABB C1901 Single Pen Circular Chart Recorder is a single pen, fully programmable circular chart recorder.
ABB C1300 Advanced Circular Chart Recorder
The ABB C1300 Advanced Circular Chart Recorder combines established paper chart recording technology with the latest advances in electronic data collection.
ABB DataManager Pro
ABB DataManager Pro is an advanced process data management and analysis application used to store and review data archived by ScreenMaster videographic recorders.
ABB Consumables
Included in our range of roll, fanfold, circular and sheet recording charts are all paper types, including ink writing, heat sensitive, pressure sensitive and electrosensitive.Contact
- 01706 216667
- 01706 216681